Assia Djebar

Best known by her pen name Assia Djebar, Fatima-Zohra Imalayen was an Algerian feminist novelist, translator and filmmaker, considered one of North Africa’s most influential writers.

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Catherine Duncan

Catherine Duncan was an actor, playwright, film-maker and author who became the first woman credited as director in an Australian film since the McDonagh sisters in the 1930s.

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Paulette McDonagh

In 1926, three remarkable sisters made history by becoming the first Australian women to own and run a film production company. They were also among the first to produce a talkie in Australia.

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Peggy van Praagh

In 1962, she was invited to become the first artistic director of the Australian Ballet. She was to hold the position until retirement in 1974, returning for a year in 1978.

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Anne Barbara Deveson

Deveson’s first job was with as a journalist with a small newspaper, the Kensington News, in London. She came to Australia in the 1950s and worked at the ABC on various ‘women’s programs’. She was also a presenter at radio station 2GB where she was one of the first people in Australia to use talkback. From 1985 to 1988, she was Executive Director of the Australian Film Television and Radio School.

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Laurie Simmons

Simmons’ use of dolls to explore prescribed gender roles and representations of femininity has opened up space in which other feminist artists can work, facilitating the legitimacy of styles of cultural critique that do not fit within masculine molds.

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