Ellen Leonard

In 1907 the LSE Students’ Union elected its first woman President, also known as the Chairman of the Common Rooms Committee. Ellen Marianne Leonard (1866-1953) was a 41 year old historian who had been connected to LSE since 1896. During her time at LSE Ellen produced two publications. In 1900 she published The Early History of English Poor Relief dedicated to William Cunningham.

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Anne Page

Anne Barbara Page, who graduated from the London School of Economics in 1912 with a First Class Honours degree in Economics and went on to work as private secretary for Sir Arthur Steel-Maitland, a Conservative Party Chairman and LSE Chair of Governors from 1916-1935.

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Edith Morley

Edith Morley was a scholar in English literature, the first woman appointed to a Chair in a British university level institution

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Priscilla Wakefield

English writer. She published numerous works, chiefly educational, including Mental Improvement, Leisure Hours, Reflections on the Present Condition of the Female Sex, with Hints for its Improvement and several volumes of descriptive geography.

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Mollie Orshansky

Mollie Orshansky was an American economist and statistician who developed the Orshansky Poverty Thresholds, used for measuring household incomes.

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Dr Janet Yellen

Dr. Janet Yellen, confirmed in January 2021 as the first female Treasury Secretary of the United States, is no stranger to breaking glass ceilings. An economist with a lifelong commitment to making the American economy one that allows all workers to succeed, she was also the first woman to lead the Federal Reserve and the first person in history to be in charge of the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve and the White House Council of Economic Advisors.

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