Eva Sommestad Holten

This bio is reproduced in full with kind permission from Wise Music Classical.

Born: 1957, Sweden
Died: NA
Country most active: Denmark
Also known as: NA

Eva Sommestad Holten is a librettist and set designer educated from University College of Film, Radio, Television and Drama (Dramatiska Institutet), Stockholm. Her work as librettist is highly indebted to her deep insight in performance practice, spanning set design, costumes, dramaturgy and often light design for drama, musical and opera – more than 50 productions. Her university studies include theatre history, aesthetics and art.
Eva Sommestad Holten has worked on several large scale opera projects – as librettist on Maria Paradis (1999), The Emperor’s New Clothes (2004) and Gesualdo – Shadows (2014) and as dramaturge on The Visit of The Royal Physician (2008). Her experience also includes translation and interpretation of a wide range of songs. She has furthermore specialized in conceptual concerts and performances combining pictures, texts and music,taking care of both the visual and conceptual parts.
Her work as librettist is characterized by a focus on dramatic flow and dramatic possibilities, fusing several levels of meaning. With a broad interest in history, ideologies and society, she has also in several of her librettoes shown her ability to make historical facts and outlooks fuse with and shed light on the drama itself.
She writes in Swedish, Danish as well as English.

Posted in Music, Music > Classical, Music > Composer, Music > Opera, Writer.