Fátima Langa

Born: 24 June 1953, Mozambique
Died: 25 June 2017
Country most active: Mozambique
Also known as: NA

Fátima Langa was a Mozambican writer, poet, and journalist renowned for her contributions to literature, particularly in stories and books for young readers.
Born on June 24, 1953, in Bahanine, Manjacaze district, Langa was the eldest of ten children in a large family. Growing up, she spoke xichope until the age of six, when she learned Portuguese in primary school. Her storytelling skills in her native language were fostered around campfires, but it was writer Lília Momplé who encouraged her to venture into literature.
In 2004, Langa published her first collection of stories, “Uma Jibóia no Congelador” (A Boa Constrictor in the Freezer). Subsequently, she continued sharing her stories and poems in various newspapers and magazines. In 2015, she founded the EMUJOM (Editora Mulheres e Jovens Moçambicanos) publishing house.
Beyond her literary endeavors, Fátima was a humanitarian advocate and founded Muchefa, an association supporting disadvantaged women, children, and AIDS victims. In 2010, at the age of 57, she enrolled at the Eduardo Mondlane University, earning a degree in journalism.
Her literary creations, often featuring anthropomorphic animals, address everyday life and educational themes without moralizing. Some of her notable works include “Uma Jibóia no Congelador,” “O menino e a raposa,” and “A gazela, o carneiro e o coelho.”
Langa actively participated in literary events globally and received accolades such as the Medalha do Mérito JK, named Personality of the Year by CICESP, and recognized in international literary competitions. Two of her books inspired theatrical productions, showcasing her enduring impact on Mozambican literature and culture.

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