Marie Carandini

Born: 1 February 1826, United Kingdom
Died: 13 April 1894
Country most active: Australia
Also known as: Maria Burgess

The following is excerpted from The Dictionary of Australian Biography by Percival Searle, published in 1949 by Angus and Robertson and republished by Project Gutenberg.

CARANDINI, MARIE (1826-1894), singer, daughter of W. H. Burgess, was born at Brixton, London, in 1826 and was brought by her parents to Tasmania in 1833. At the age of 17 she married Jerome Carandini, an Italian of noble birth, who was a political refugee. She came to Sydney in 1846 and studied under Isaac Nathan (q.v.) and other teachers. She soon established a reputation as a concert singer and as an operatic prima donna, both at Sydney and Melbourne, and was a popular favourite throughout Australia. Her husband having received a pardon from the Italian government went to Italy in 1870, but died at Modena soon after his arrival. Madame Carandini continued to sing in concerts for some years throughout Australia and New Zealand, with visits to America and India. She had eight children of whom five daughters were musical and took part in her tours. She died at London in 1894.

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Posted in Music, Music > Opera, Music > Singer.