Soshana Afroyim

Born: 1 September 1927, Austria
Died: 9 December 2015
Country most active: International
Also known as: Susanne Schüller

The following bio was written by Emma Rosen, author of On This Day She Made History: 366 Days With Women Who Shaped the World and This Day In Human Ingenuity & Discovery: 366 Days of Scientific Milestones with Women in the Spotlight, and has been republished with permission.

Soshana Afroyim, originally Susanne Schüller, was an Austrian-Jewish artist known for her Modernist work. Soshana dedicated her life to art, traveling extensively to exhibit her creations worldwide.
During her journeys, she portrayed famous individuals, and her art evolved in various directions. In her early years, she focused on naturalistic landscapes and portraits. Later, she transitioned to abstract art, heavily influenced by Asian calligraphy.

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